
We can help your Boy Scout Den or Girl Scout Troop complete their badges. Our hands on science and technology programs are offered after school or on the weekends. Programs can be customized and can be held at our site or yours. Badges are not included. Some programs may only cover part of the badge requirements.

Private Events

For groups of 20 or more scouts, we can arrange a private before or after hours badge program. An event at our museum will last 1 1/2 hours with the badge program and 30 minutes of free play. Badge programs are $11 per scout, leaders and co-leaders are free. A deposit of $100 is required to reserve your date. Mobile scout programs are $285 for up to 25 scouts (travel fees may apply).

For smaller groups, we offer options to complete badge programs during our open to public hours (11am-5pm). Cost per scout is $11 with a minimum of $100. Leaders and co-leaders are free. A deposit of $100 is required to hold your date.

Public Scout Nights

We hold public scout nights throughout the school year. Check our events calendar for upcoming dates.

Badges We Offer

Please see below, we can also offer custom programs!

Girl Scout Programs

Daisies - Automotive 2: Engineering ~ Coding for Good 1, 2 or 3 ~ Cybersecurity 1, 2, or 3 ~ Journey: Think Like a Citizen Scientist, Think Like a Programmer, Think like an Engineer ~ Math in Nature 1: Shapes in Nature, Number in Nature ~ Mechanical Engineering: Model Car, Roller Coaster ~ Robotics: What Robots Do, How Robots Move, Design a Robot ~ Space Science Explorers

Brownies - Automotive 2: Engineering ~ Brownie STEM Career Exploration ~ Bugs ~ Coding for Good 1 or 2 ~ Computer Expert ~ Cybersecurity 1, 2, or 3 ~ Digital Leadership ~ Inventor ~ Home Scientist ~ Journey: Think like a Citizen Scientist, Think Like a Programmer, Think Like an Engineer, WOW! ~ Math in Nature 1, 2, or 3 ~ Mechanical Engineering: Fling Flyers, Leap Bot, Race Car ~ Robotics: 1, 2, or 3 ~ Space Science Adventurer

Juniors - Automotive 2: Engineering ~ Coding for Good 1, 2, or 3 ~ Cybersecurity 1, 2, or 3 ~ Detective ~ Digital Leadership ~ Digital Photographer ~ Entertainment Technology ~ Journey GET MOVING!, Think like a Citizen Scientist, Think Like a Programmer, Think Like an Engineer ~ Math in Nature 1: Shapes in Nature ~ Mechanical Engineering: Balloon Car, Crane, Paddle Boat ~ Robotic: 1 or 2 ~ Space Science Investigator

Cadettes - Cybersecurity 1, 2, or 3 ~ Digital Movie Maker ~ Journey: Breathe, Think Like a Citizen Scientist, Think Like a Programmer ~ Robotics 1 or 2 ~ Science of Happiness ~ Space Science Researcher ~ Special Agent

Seniors - Journey: Think Like a Citizen Scientist ~ Robotics 1 or 2 ~ Science of Style ~ Sky ~ Space Science Expert ~ Website Designer

Ambassador - Journey: Think Like a Citizen Scientist ~ Space Science Master ~ Water

Public scout nights available, check our calendar for more information.

Cub Scout Programs

Lion - Gizmos & Gadgets ~ Build it Up, Knock it Down ~ Ready, Set, Grow

Tiger - Sky’s the Limit ~ Curiosity, Intrigue, and Magical Mysteries ~ Floats and Boats ~ Good Knights

Wolf - Air of the Wolf ~ Digging in the Past ~ Germs Alive ~ Spirit of the Water

Bear - A Bear Goes Fishing ~ Forensics ~ Marble Madness ~ Super Science ~ Modular Design

Webelos - Build It ~ Earth Rocks ~ Engineer ~ Game Design ~ Into the Wild ~ Into the Woods ~ Modular Design

Public scout nights available, check our calendar for more information.