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Girls interest in STEM begins to decline as early as the 4th grade. We are shifting the paradigm.
Minorities are the fastest growing population and the most underrepresented in the fastest growing job sector (STEM). We are dedicated to bridging the gap.
Children residing in homeless shelters often miss out on opportunities to participate in STEAM programming. We are determined to provide STEAM education for those in need.
The Long Island Science Center is a 501(c)3 STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Mathematics) Learning Museum with a mission to prepare young people for the challenges of a 21st century economy built on advanced technology and innovation.
We have provided STEAM curricula to over 325,000 children in schools, libraries and scouts.
We provide mobile programs in New York, field trip opportunities with our museum and virtual programs anywhere in the world. Learn more about how we can help enhance your STEAM education efforts.